Improving the treatment of drivers at delivery sites

Dear friends,

Commercial road transport is a vital link in all supply chains and transport networks. Without trucks and vans, economic life would soon come to a standstill.

Drivers of commercial vehicles provide an essential service, but often face difficult conditions, poor treatment and a lack of respect.

Our charter on improving the treatment of drivers at delivery sites sets out commitments for shippers, transport operators and drivers to improve driver conditions and keep global supply chains running smoothly.

Sign it today and support our drivers.

Umberto de Pretto
Secretary General

Denis Choumert

Stephen Cotton
General Secretary
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)

Why a charter

Improving the treatment
of drivers at delivery sites

IRU, the world road transport organisation, has joined forces with the Global Shippers’ Alliance and the International Transport Workers’ Federation to improve working conditions for drivers based on these principles.

read the charter

Join the charter

We act for the well-being of our drivers
